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Welcome to the life of Risa, a Marine wife and Dominican city chick discovering the 'burbs and Mommyhood..enjoy!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

With Brandon gone the Adams girls have to keep busy so that we don't go stir crazy.  I've been busy getting the nursery ready...Nadia's been busy undoing my work somewhat.  

Playing with her new stacking toy

Using her chair as a fort

Thursday, July 14, 2011

4 weeks left!

So today it hit me that I'm 36 weeks and have only 4 weeks left to basically get everything ready--scary! I have Larisa's crib ready and two or three outifits hanging up in her closet..and that's about it LOL.  I am in such denial!  Is there such a thing as anti-nesting??

Nadia and her Mami taking a picture on July 4th weekend
Can't enjoy lunch without making silly faces

Resting on her beloved chair, thanks to Gramma and Grampa
With Daddy at Jumpin' Jax

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter this year was fun!  The Thursday before Brandon's unit had an Easter egg hunt, along with a petting zoo and other activities for the adults and children.

Nadia and Daddy feeding the goats

That Saturday we decided to take an impromptu trip to Charlotte, NC and I'm glad we did! We met up with a college friend of mine who lives there and she was gracious enough to show us around a bit despite the late hour we showed up.  It's a beautiful city and we hope to visit again soon.

Easter Sunday in downtown Charlotte

I swear..the goofball gene was not something she inherited from me!  LOL

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nadia's First Birthday

Yes, fans, finally I am getting around to posting pictures and anecdotes of Miss Nadia's first birthday held at our home on Saturday, March 19th.  We had such a good time and we are very fortunate to have family and friends who traveled to attend this big event.

Since it was the first time the Adams and the Samboys were all together at the same location I very much wanted a picture of us with our immediate family members so Nadia (and her baby sister!) will get a chance to at least see her family on a daily basis.  And here it is:

From left:  Justin, Robert, Linda, Brandon holding Nadia, Radha, Celeste, Luis, Charlie, Winnie, Luis Jr. and Gavin

With the parents and grandparents

With the Tio's

With her Tia

With her cousin, Gavin

I was very excited about this picture--my 3 year old nephew has been in Okinawa, Japan since he was 4 months old and Nadia's birthday week was the first time the cousins met each other!  It was very sweet having them meet and play for a few days.
Ummm yeah, every first birthday princess deserves a wedding sized cake and wardrobe change!

All of our guests--thank you!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nadia walking!!

After weeks of practice and days shy of her first birthday Miss Nadia felt confident enough to walk around the house without furniture assistance!  I have been warned this is the beginning of chasing her around, preventing her from all kinds of things, and wanting to pull my hair out but I'm in total ignorant bliss right now :-)  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Long Time, No Post :-(

Sooo sorry for the hiatus but Nadia's been more mobile plus with the holidays and all time just slipped by.  I do promise to keep up though, especially if Brandon goes away for a length of time at some point this year.  With that being said our biggest news is that we are expecting another baby (I deeply believe it's a boy) at the end of this summer.  I am in the middle of planning Nadia's first birthday party so busy, busy, busy this first trimester.

As far as a Nadia update goes:  she has her fifth tooth coming in as we speak; she's taking steps on her own here and there and she's babbling A LOT.  Words she says clearly:  Mama, Dada, baby.  Words/phrases she recognizes:  clap; arms up; arms down; wave; quieres agua? (do you want water?); come here; vamonos/let's go; look (over here, over there, etc.).  I feel like I'm bragging about commands my new puppy knows lol.  She loves to pretend she's on the phone and have a "conversation".  Her favorite is to sneak into her drawer and dramatically throw her clothes over her shoulder.  Here's a video of Nadia "reading".  Enjoy!