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Welcome to the life of Risa, a Marine wife and Dominican city chick discovering the 'burbs and Mommyhood..enjoy!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


We decided to load up the car and drive over to Emerald Isle, about an hour east towards the NC coast and enjoy an afternoon at one of the local aquariums they have out there.  Nadia immediately spotted the first shark of the day as seen below:

After she became friends with them it was aalllll good

She introduced a few swamp friends to Gramma Bizcocho

I'm not sure how she was surfing on her changing pad but somehow she did it

There was that minor incident...


Then we took a family picture :-)

All in all we had a good day and Miss Nadia wishes you a good one too!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Nadia & The Highchair

Today was a big day for a new Mommy like myself. Nadia had been pulling herself up to sitting position for the past couple of weeks and yesterday in particular she spent the entire time she was in her car seat trying to sit up enough to view her pretty sandals (thank you Cousin Yani!). I figured it was time to get her something to help her sit up without straining her neck. I called up Gramma Home Depot Master to see if she'd able to exchange some diaper covers for a Bumbo. Turns out I needed something a little more mobile and at least at waist length so I won't have to bend over so much. What better way to have Nadia sitting in a safe manner and allow her to see me cooking/cleaning/eating, etc. than a high chair. As usual I never open purchases on the day of but rather let it marinate a bit by the door (don't ask why because I don't have an answer). Gramma Bizcocho and I put it together (and yes I have matured and I actually read the instruction booklet)...(okay so that was only after I inserted the top part of the highchair seat to the bottom half the wrong way but so what???). Anyway..I placed Nadia in her highchair and she was smiling from ear to ear! I could guess what was going through her head based on the facial expressions: "This isn't as warm as my car seat. It doesn't recline as much as my car seat. I am sitting without pulling myself. I love this!" After a few pictures we snapped on the tray, then for fun added a bowl, a spoon and a mug.

Miss Manners says to always pick up your crumbs...

And poor Stella could care less throughout this exciting day